SEND Code and the Removal of Barriers to Education

SEND Code of Practice Consistent with Vision and Hearing Checks In-School.

The SEND Code of Practice defines special educational needs in four broad areas of need and support. Vision and hearing checks from SchoolScreener for Schools can form important aspects of these 4 areas:
  • Communication and Interaction

Both vision and hearing are key to communicating with and interacting with others. This in turn can impact social skills development. Identifying vision or hearing deficits early, can help  children overcome other communication challenges.

  • Cognition and Learning

Even moderate sight or audio deficiencies can impact on educational attainment. Once understood, SENcos can ensure a child’s needs are better accomodated.

  • Social, emotional and mental health

The same applies to social, emotional and mental health. Vision and hearing checks can help identify these seemingly innocuous causes of greater issues in some children.

  • Sensory and/or physical needs

Again, without knowing about any vision or hearing difficulties the child has, accomodating their environment is much tougher.

In-school vision and hearing checks are now quick, easy and inexpensive, thanks to SchoolScreener for Schools.

Any colleague can use it; teachers, TAs, school nurses or SEND specialists. There’s a minimal period of learning how to set up and use it (20 minutes, or less).

More Information

How vision and hearing checks from SchoolScreener® for Schools can remove barriers to education.

See a head teacher and a SEND specialist discuss how to identify and support pupils with vision or hearing problems with SchoolScreener® for Schools.  This was a webinar hosted and broadcast in December 2023, by Mark Allen Group.